• 231020 - Reworked timers t and et; Redundancies in the code were removed; Missing pauses and transitions added

• 230901 - VFX: NES-like fade VFX improved using math.max() to display #1a1c2c as black (TIC-80's color [00])

• 220624 - Logic: Skulls collision logic identical to the NES version thanks to the C source code; Code: Removed repeated and unnecessary checks, Size reduced from 51378 to 49959 bytes

• 220622 - Regresion: Removed periodic noise feature swap sfx due 0.90.1723, improved swap sfx; Code: Size reduced from 56476 bytes to 51378 bytes thanks to the use of a membership test generic function

• 220613 - Alter Ego has been removed from the tic80.com site due to performance and compatibility issues with TIC-80 1.0.2164. Changelog moved to https://kyuchumimo.itch.io/alter-ego-tic-80-tiny-computer/devlog/392783/-changel...

• 220103Difficulty: By beating a level you will be granted an extra life as in the original game; Aesthetic: Added a new game cover, Alter ego will no longer flicker; Functionality: Added yellow and red pixels variables and conditions; Audio: Added periodic noise to some sfx and music (only for TIC-80 v1.0.xxxx); Input: Added gamepad input metadata to hide mouse cursor

210625 - Upcoming updates will be moved to https://kyuchumimo.itch.io/alter-ego-tic-80-tiny-computer; Features: Yellow and red pixels added just for fun; KONAMI code added, enables debug mode; improved debug features. Code optimizations: cls() command redundancy cleanup; print() command redundancy changed for string.format. Animations: Animation frames now depend on the position of some sprites on screen and not on the time. Alter ego sprite is now pseudo-transparent. Stand state delay added to replicate Alter Ego NES version.

210530 - Added level 5 tilesets and music. Code optimizations. Game completed!

• 210428 - Added level 4 tilesets. Added OVR() for overlay pause options

• 210415 - Added level 2 tilesets

• 210331 - Skulls up to level 20. Added level 4 music

• 210326 - Minor improvements

• 210325 - Code clean up: up to 1.68kb saved. Minor bug fixes and improvements. Vertical skulls added. Skulls added up to level 16

• 210302 - Bug fix: Blinking frame at start of every level caused by sync(0,0,false), changed for sync(4,0,false). Implementation of TIC-80 Pro banks for store more music. Game stable point, category changed from WIP to Games

• 210221 - Pixels flying have their own animation

• 210215 - Now you can press either [Enter] key or (A) button / [Z] key to start game. Insignificant fixes

• 201123 - Skulls for levels 1 to 11, now with hitbox

• 201122 - Enemy approaching: First skull enemy (Only Hello world level).

• 201120 - pixelbath joined the project. Code optimization, bug fixes and visual effects like stars, rain and snow particles. Changelog moved to tic80.com/play?cart=1420

• 201116 - Some transitions and Jxy command used as a loop for music

• 201112 - Bug fix: Hero was not displayed when he was moving and the game was paused.

• 201111 - Added pause function, new music respawn method. More additions. Bug fix: Freeze at swapping action bug fixed.

• 201110 - 14 of 16 colors in the color palette updated to Sweetie 16 by GrafxKid palette for more consistency with TIC-80. Debug text thinner. Status are now displayed by tiles instead of sprites. Level clear message added at the end of every level

• 201108 - Now each pixel has its own animation set and pixel animation timming accurancy

• 201106 - Cover art updated to a better version. Now you will no longer be able to exchange places with Alter Ego if it is positioned on a block or platform. Added sound effects related to swapping

• 201105 - Added an unused music, there will be no more music due to limitations in the RAM size of music patterns on TIC-80. Minor additions

• 201101 - Added 6 levels more. Now you can press either A or B to swap between Alter Ego and Hero

• 200928 - Vertical mirroring swap abillity added, more transitions and timming, some small changes or fixes.

• 200925 - Some transitions and timming added

• 200924 - Bridge sprite set colorkey for alpha transparency, small fixes. Functional swap abillity for horizontal mirror added (With some unexpected bugs)

• 200923 - Palette values and address changed to hexadecimal. Code optimization and fixes on collisions and fall conditions (Size from 19618 bytes to 17506 bytes), bridge falling animation (fix later: overlay on frame)

• 200921 - Added both Pixel and phantom pixel collision, animation and sfx. Improved slide SFX and functional Game Over screen

• 200820 - Added death proerties, sfx, level 3 music and music loop accurancy with formulas. Music command correction.

• 200808 - Added Sync command to restore tilemap. More variables for control, timing accurancy and small optimizations on code. Game over screen and music. Keyp command

• 200807 - Added music more accurated from source, instruments and music loops. Number of patern tables reduced to most minimum (7 saved).

• 200804 - Added mset command for switch tiles (e.g. Bridges)

• 200703 - Added a definitive and noiseless cover art

• 200702 - Added cover art for testing

• 200701 - Added more level properties, climb movements and arrangement of debug data

• 200630 - Added new formulas for Y maps, fall instrucction and sfx, animation and movement speed accurancy

• 200627 - Added new formulas for X maps and stairs and blocks collision

• 200626 - Added Levels 2 to 9 and Remap function for animate tiles

• 200625 - Added more tilesets, level HELLO WORLD and future levels rearranged based on ZX spectrum version

• 200624 - Added Horizontal and Vertical Alter ego sprite mirroring, SFX and 8x8 movement

• 200623 - Added mget command for collision proposes and poke() functions for change palette and create fade effect alike NES

• 200622 - Added title music, letters tileset, timming

• 200621 - Some SPR and basic learning

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